Cooking up some fun on Sept. 7

Plan for a great party and a fun drive to get there. Join fellow members of the Milwaukee Porsche club on Saturday, Sept. 7, at the Lake Geneva school of cooking for an enjoyable and fun learning experience as we create a fantastic meal together.

The Lake Geneva school of cooking will teach us how to prepare and orchestrate a private cooking event with fellow Milwaukee PCA members only. We will have the place to ourselves as we learn the ins and outs of creating a fantastic meal.

The party starts with a sparkling wine reception, including delicious parmigiano popovers and toasting wine with dinner.

We will be divided into smaller groups, which will prepare a portion of our meal that night, served to you by the teachers.

The menu includes:
Appetizer —fall harvest risotto
Main entrée—Lake Geneva giambotta consisting of filet of beef, chicken and Italian sausage
Dessert —grilled pound cake with white balsamic peaches.

Getting there
The group will leave around 3 p.m. and arrive in Lake Geneva around 4:30 p.m.

cost of such fun will be $167.00 per person, an appropriate price for the great time and delicious food. The participants of the first ever Lake Geneva cooking school event five years ago said it was well worth the cost. They had a great time, a great meal, and they got to take all the recipes home with them.

How to sign up
We will
be limited to 30 people, so email Jim Lindenberg at to sign up. Then send the check, made out to PCA Milwaukee, to the address supplied in the confirming email you will receive from Jim. We couldn't accommodate all the participants last time we did this, so sign up early.


Posted on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 9:16 AM, updated on Thursday, July 18, 2024 7:25 AM
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